by lac-admin | Jan 15, 2020 | Uncategorized
via BarkingUptheWrongTree 10 things that scientific research shows can help improve your life. 1) Get out in nature You probably seriously underestimate how important this is. (Actually, there’s research that says you do.) Being in nature reduces stress, makes you...
by lac-admin | Dec 31, 2019 | Uncategorized
Why you should make a specific goal: LINK Why you should track your progress, especially when it comes to weight loss: LINK Why you should workout “with a crowd”: LINK How to track your workouts: LINK Not a member yet? Click here for more info and...
by lac-admin | Aug 28, 2019 | Uncategorized
Via Mark’s Daily Apple Ah, morning. It’s an alternately grim and comical scene in most American households. There’s the snooze parade, rumpled faces, chronic grouchiness, catatonic showers, coffee frenzy, mad dashes, and neon colored breakfast with cartoon...
by lac-admin | Jul 24, 2019 | Uncategorized
article via Breaking Muscle and Chet Morjaria 1. Approach different lifts differently. Some lifts are better to approach aggressively, and some and better to approach less so. I find I lift best when I go at squats aggressively anddeadlifts with a calmer and more...
by lac-admin | May 6, 2019 | Uncategorized
try this simple workout: 10 rounds of: 1 lap (any swim stroke or water jog it) 10 pushups 15 situps 20 squats